Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mihow is thinking

Thinking is powerful, you can create the most life changing things and it all starts by thinking it. Thinking gets you through hard times and thinking makes you remember why life is so awesome. All i want to really say is that i'm thinking because thinking can do so much and why put thinking in a box.


  1. I love the picture! How did you get those butterflies in there?

  2. I'm sorry Mike, your sister and I are retards...

    Good looking retards, but retards nonetheless.

  3. Rofl, i would love to say this is my pic but i got it from deviantart, all the guys who do there work share and stuff and i had an idea so boom i found my light bulb :D

  4. To get the butterflies in there...first you gotta get some sand in the bulb...plant some grass and misc flower seeds...

    Once they have germinated and grown into grass and misc flowers...you gotta catch some caterpillars and let them change, over time, into butterflies :P and there you have it!

  5. Or that but deviantart is a little bit faster :D
